I started up the Change Readiness & Sustainment department at my former company in December 2014, and I thought that sharing my experiences and thoughts on the subject of change management might be valuable to others.

The first topic I’d like to write about is the critical connection between content, training and change management. At first, that might seem like obvious commentary. (Note: I constantly discover truisms as I continue to work in this field.) Still, it’s very important.

So here’s a simple truth: without the disciplines of change management, the delivery of content and training can be hampered significantly. And without complete content and effective training, change will not happen as planned.

Finally, all three elements of this trifecta – content, training and change management – need to come together in the context of organizational culture. Norms around communication, collaboration, conflict resolution, operations and so forth must be considered carefully and integrated into change management plans well ahead of implementation.

An interesting aspect of change management at my company at the current time is that its culture is in a great deal of flux – with the arrival of an entirely new executive team and the departure of many of the founding members of the company within the past couple of years. In this environment, it’s important for me to keep my weathervane well-oiled to distinguish between what was and what is as I advise our project teams and business leaders on the changes we’re implementing.